entrust —— 权限管理

Posted by hiho on April 1, 2016


In order to install Laravel 5 Entrust, just add

"zizaco/entrust": "dev-laravel-5"

to your composer.json. Then run composer install or composer update .

Then in your config/app.php add


in the providers array and

'Entrust' => Zizaco\Entrust\EntrustFacade::class

to the aliases array.

If you are going to use Middleware (requires Laravel 5.1 or later) you also need to add

    'role' => \Zizaco\Entrust\Middleware\EntrustRole::class,
    'permission' => \Zizaco\Entrust\Middleware\EntrustPermission::class,
    'ability' => \Zizaco\Entrust\Middleware\EntrustAbility::class,

to routeMiddleware array in app/Http/Kernel.php.


Set the property values in the config/auth.php. These values will be used by entrust to refer to the correct user table and model.

You can also publish the configuration for this package to further customize table names and model namespaces.
Just use php artisan vendor:publish and a entrust.php file will be created in your app/config directory.
只要用php artisan vendor:publish命令在app/config目录下创建一个entrust.php的文件

$ php artisan vendor:publish
Copied File [/vendor/zizaco/entrust/src/config/config.php] To [/config/entrust.php]
Publishing complete for tag []!

User relation to roles

Now generate the Entrust migration:

php artisan entrust:migration

It will generate the <timestamp>_entrust_setup_tables.php migration. You may now run it with the artisan migrate command:
它会创建<timestamp>_entrust_setup_tables.php迁移文件.你现在可以运行artisan migrate命令:

php artisan migrate


  • roles — stores role records储存角色记录表
  • permissions — stores permission records储存权限记录表
  • role_user — stores many-to-many relations between roles and users储存用户表和角色表之间多对多的关系表
  • permission_role — stores many-to-many relations between roles and permissions储存角色和权限之间多对多的关系表



Create a Role model inside app/models/Role.php using the following example:

<?php namespace App;

use Zizaco\Entrust\EntrustRole;

class Role extends EntrustRole

The Role model has three main attributes:

  • name — Unique name for the Role, used for looking up role information in the application layer. For example: “admin”, “owner”, “employee”.
  • name(名称) — 唯一的角色名称,用于寻找应用层的角色信息.例如: “admin”(管理员), “owner”(业主), “employee”(员工).
  • display_name — Human readable name for the Role. Not necessarily unique and optional. For example: “User Administrator”, “Project Owner”, “Widget Co. Employee”.
  • display_name(显示的名称) — 具有可读性的角色名称.任意并且不是一定是唯一的.例如: “User Administrator”(用户管理员), “Project Owner”(物业拥有者), “Widget Co. Employee”(部件有限公司员工).
  • description — A more detailed explanation of what the Role does. Also optional.
  • description(详细描述) — 角色的更详细说明文档. 可选填写.

Both display_name and description are optional; their fields are nullable in the database.


Create a Permission model inside app/models/Permission.php using the following example:

<?php namespace App;

use Zizaco\Entrust\EntrustPermission;

class Permission extends EntrustPermission

The Permission model has the same three attributes as the Role:

  • name — Unique name for the permission, used for looking up permission information in the application layer. For example: “create-post”, “edit-user”, “post-payment”, “mailing-list-subscribe”.
  • name — 唯一的权限名称,用于寻找应用层的权限信息.例如:”create-post”(创建文章),”edit-user”(用户编辑),”post-payment”(请求支付),”mailing-list-subscribe”(订阅邮件列表).
  • display_name — Human readable name for the permission. Not necessarily unique and optional. For example “Create Posts”, “Edit Users”, “Post Payments”, “Subscribe to mailing list”.
  • display_name — 具有可读性的权限名称.任意并且不是一定是唯一的.例如:”Create Posts”(创建文章), “Edit Users”(用户编辑), “Post Payments”(请求支付), “Subscribe to mailing list”(订阅邮件列表).
  • description — A more detailed explanation of the Permission.
  • description — 权限的更详细说明

In general, it may be helpful to think of the last two attributes in the form of a sentence: “The permission display_name allows a user to description.”


Next, use the EntrustUserTrait trait in your existing User model. For example:


use Zizaco\Entrust\Traits\EntrustUserTrait;

class User extends Eloquent
    use EntrustUserTrait; // add this trait to your user model


This will enable the relation with Role and add the following methods roles(), hasRole($name), can($permission), and ability($roles, $permissions, $options) within your User model.

Don’t forget to dump composer autoload

composer dump-autoload

And you are ready to go.你已经准备好开发了

Soft Deleting

The default migration takes advantage of onDelete(‘cascade’) clauses within the pivot tables to remove relations when a parent record is deleted. If for some reason you cannot use cascading deletes in your database, the EntrustRole and EntrustPermission classes, and the HasRole trait include event listeners to manually delete records in relevant pivot tables. In the interest of not accidentally deleting data, the event listeners will not delete pivot data if the model uses soft deleting. However, due to limitations in Laravel’s event listeners, there is no way to distinguish between a call to delete() versus a call to forceDelete(). For this reason, before you force delete a model, you must manually delete any of the relationship data (unless your pivot tables uses cascading deletes). For example:

$role = Role::findOrFail(1); // Pull back a given role

// Regular Delete
$role->delete(); // This will work no matter what

// Force Delete
$role->users()->sync([]); // Delete relationship data
$role->perms()->sync([]); // Delete relationship data

$role->forceDelete(); // Now force delete will work regardless of whether the pivot table has cascading delete




$owner = new Role();
$owner->name         = 'owner';
$owner->display_name = 'Project Owner'; // optional
$owner->description  = 'User is the owner of a given project'; // optional

$admin = new Role();
$admin->name         = 'admin';
$admin->display_name = 'User Administrator'; // optional
$admin->description  = 'User is allowed to manage and edit other users'; // optional

Next, with both roles created let’s assign them to the users. Thanks to the HasRole trait this is as easy as: 然后让我们分配刚创建的两个角色给用户.感谢HasRole trait让这很容易:

$user = User::where('username', '=', 'michele')->first();

// role attach alias
$user->attachRole($admin); // parameter can be an Role object, array, or id

// or eloquent's original technique
$user->roles()->attach($admin->id); // id only

Now we just need to add permissions to those Roles:

$createPost = new Permission();
$createPost->name         = 'create-post';
$createPost->display_name = 'Create Posts'; // optional
// Allow a user to...
$createPost->description  = 'create new blog posts'; // optional

$editUser = new Permission();
$editUser->name         = 'edit-user';
$editUser->display_name = 'Edit Users'; // optional
// Allow a user to...
$editUser->description  = 'edit existing users'; // optional

// equivalent to $admin->perms()->sync(array($createPost->id));

$owner->attachPermissions(array($createPost, $editUser));
// equivalent to $owner->perms()->sync(array($createPost->id, $editUser->id));

Checking for Roles & Permissions(验证角色和权限)

Now we can check for roles and permissions simply by doing:

$user->hasRole('owner');   // false
$user->hasRole('admin');   // true
$user->can('edit-user');   // false
$user->can('create-post'); // true

Both hasRole() and can() can receive an array of roles & permissions to check:

$user->hasRole(['owner', 'admin']);       // true
$user->can(['edit-user', 'create-post']); // true

By default, if any of the roles or permissions are present for a user then the method will return true. Passing true as a second parameter instructs the method to require all of the items:

$user->hasRole(['owner', 'admin']);             // true
$user->hasRole(['owner', 'admin'], true);       // false, user does not have admin role
$user->can(['edit-user', 'create-post']);       // true
$user->can(['edit-user', 'create-post'], true); // false, user does not have edit-user permission

You can have as many Roles as you want for each User and vice versa.

The Entrust class has shortcuts to both can() and hasRole() for the currently logged in user:


// is identical to
// 和以下代码相同


You can also use placeholders (wildcards) to check any matching permission by doing:

// match any admin permission
$user->can("admin.*"); // true

// match any permission about users
$user->can("*_users"); // true

User ability(用户能力)

More advanced checking can be done using the awesome ability function. It takes in three parameters (roles, permissions, options):
通过使用高级的方法可以实现更先进的验证.它需要三个参数(roles, permissions, options):

  • roles is a set of roles to check.
  • roles指的是验证的角色列表.
  • permissions is a set of permissions to check.
  • permissions指的是验证的权限列表

Either of the roles or permissions variable can be a comma separated string or array:

$user->ability(array('admin', 'owner'), array('create-post', 'edit-user'));

// or

$user->ability('admin,owner', 'create-post,edit-user');

This will check whether the user has any of the provided roles and permissions. In this case it will return true since the user is an admin and has the create-post permission.

The third parameter is an options array:

$options = array(
    'validate_all' => true | false (Default: false),
    'return_type'  => boolean | array | both (Default: boolean)

  • validate_all is a boolean flag to set whether to check all the values for true, or to return true if at least one role or permission is matched.
  • return_type specifies whether to return a boolean, array of checked values, or both in an array.

Here is an example output:

$options = array(
    'validate_all' => true,
    'return_type' => 'both'

list($validate, $allValidations) = $user->ability(
    array('admin', 'owner'),
    array('create-post', 'edit-user'),

// bool(false)

// array(4) {
//     ['role'] => bool(true)
//     ['role_2'] => bool(false)
//     ['create-post'] => bool(true)
//     ['edit-user'] => bool(false)
// }

The Entrust class has a shortcut to ability() for the currently logged in user:

Entrust::ability('admin,owner', 'create-post,edit-user');

// is identical to

Auth::user()->ability('admin,owner', 'create-post,edit-user');

Blade templates(Blade模板)

Three directives are available for use within your Blade templates. What you give as the directive arguments will be directly passed to the corresponding Entrust function. 在Blade模板中,你有可以三个指令.你给的指令参数将被直接传递到相应的Entrust方法。

    <p>This is visible to users with the admin role. Gets translated to 

    <p>This is visible to users with the given permissions. Gets translated to 
    \Entrust::can('manage-admins'). The @can directive is already taken by core 
    laravel authorization package, hence the @permission directive instead.</p>

@ability('admin,owner', 'create-post,edit-user')
    <p>This is visible to users with the given abilities. Gets translated to 
    \Entrust::ability('admin,owner', 'create-post,edit-user')</p>


You can use a middleware to filter routes and route groups by permission or role

Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => ['role:admin']], function() {
    Route::get('/', 'AdminController@welcome');
    Route::get('/manage', ['middleware' => ['permission:manage-admins'], 'uses' => 'AdminController@manageAdmins']);

It is possible to use pipe symbol as OR operator:

'middleware' => ['role:admin|root']

To emulate AND functionality just use multiple instances of middleware

'middleware' => ['permission:owner', 'permission:writer']

For more complex situations use ability middleware which accepts 3 parameters: roles, permissions, validate_all

'middleware' => ['ability:admin|owner,create-post|edit-user,true']

Short syntax route filter(短语法规则路由过滤器)

To filter a route by permission or role you can call the following in your app/Http/routes.php:



  • 2016年04月01日 13:00:00 初稿
  • 2016年04月02日 22:39:12 翻译原稿
  • 2016年07月13日 23:28:00 修改排版
